Aidite 3D Pro Zir
This is a Multi-Layered product in 3D:
- Translucent Gradient
- Color Gradient
- Strength Gradient
It has a natural gradient of color, translucency, and strength in a real sense
Available in 16 Vita Colors
Super High Translucency
• Coloration with the perfect balance of Hue, Value, and Chroma to resemble natural dentition
• Ideal formulation and manufacturing for milling
• Compared with traditional aesthetic zirconia, 30 pro-Zir homogeneous blended colored zirconia has higher strength, greater translucency
• Homogenous coloration with no demarcation keyed to 17 Vita shade guide colors
• Recommended for all restorations, single, bridges, and full arch
• Wear capability as natural enamel
• Ideal opacity at gingival, ideal translucency at incisal
Available In:
- 98 mm x 12 mm
- 98 mm x 14 mm
- 98 mm x 16 mm
- 98 mm x 18 mm
- 98 mm x 20 mm
- 98 mm x 22 mm
- 98 mm x 25 mm

Instructions and Specifications
Sintering Instructions
Check the Sintering equipment and tools:
- The sintering furnace must use a voltage regulator to ensure stable operating voltage.
- The sintering furnace must be cleaned regularly(once a week) and kept dry. Cleaning method: scrape off the impurities in the furnace.
- Place green-state scrap zirconia scraps into the furnace and sinter them according to the normal zirconia sintering curve.
- If the furnace has not been used for more than a week, it must be decontaminated before used.
- When the equipment is not in use, the furnace should be closed to ensure a dry environment inside the furnace. Please keep the operation room of the sintering equipment clean and free of dust and debris. Do not place a sintering furnace in a dusty environment. Metal shavings or dust can adversely affect the heating elements.
- The heating elements of the sintering furnace must not show damage. If there is a small amount of peeling on the surface of the heating rod (silicon-molybdenum rod), the leftover material can be burned and the sintering furnace will back to normal.
- Check the furnace temperature regularly (every 3 months) to ensure the stability of the furnace temperature.
- Be sure to sinter in strict accordance with Aidite's standard curve.
3D pro Zir Sintering Program
Below 3 units bridge (7h)

From 4 to 6 units bridge (10h)

Above 7 units bridge (15h)

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